Tired of Feeling Sick and Stressed?

Get Real Answers with the

Deep Dive Healing Club

Sick, Tired, Stressed?

The Medical Establishment, and even the Alternative Medicine world, are often


Headaches, Constipation, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Anxiety, Insomnia, the list goes on...

If you aren't feeling 100% in your body, your mind, and your world,

If nothing is really working, and symptoms come back, or move around,

Then you already know that real healing lies deeper.

Homeopathy is about healing yourself so completely that you are able to pursue your highest calling without limitations.

My vision: To get you on the path to your highest purpose in physical and mental health, to help you understand the dynamics of your individual disease state, and sicknesses of society at large, and to show you how you can embrace every experience of discomfort as the portal to your wisdom journey and get through it to the other side.

I’m Sarah Thompson, Certified Classical Homeopath. I call myself Big Healer Sarah because I’ve experienced the power and magnitude of this healing work.

If I’d known 20 years ago what I know now, I believe I never would have gotten cancer in my 30s.

But I did, and I’m grateful, because it got me here, to the best health of my life, on my path and on purpose, and that’s what I intend to bring to you with:

The Deep Dive Healing Club.

I am telling you right now, this is about upending everything you’ve been taught about disease, treatment, and health, so that you can get out of mindsets that keep you sick, and into ones that help you heal, using the power of homeopathy.

Want to understand the connections between your symptoms and the true path to healing them? Then keep reading...


Instead of trying to figure out how your health puzzle goes together on your own,

What if you could get insights and advice from someone who understands the whole picture,

Have regular access to a group of people who could help you gain clarity, rather than getting more muddled?  

How much stress, pain, and confusion would that save you?

The Deep Dive Healing Club solves 7 major problems with healing care, problems that I have been wrestling with personally and professionally for a long time.  

1. Coherence in vision of care – Most of the time people are trying to cobble together their self-healing approaches without building on one central understanding of what the problem really IS, and how healing actually WORKS.  

2. Access to care – When you feel unwell, it can be challenging to get to in-person appointments, and not to be able to communicate in real time with people who can support you during the process, especially when you are sick or burned out or busy.

3. Financial options – We all say we understand that our health is the #1 priority above all others, because without it what do we have? But it can feel challenging, especially in this economy, to make the resources line up all the time. Deep Dive Healing Club solves this problem with a low monthly investment that delivers 10x on every dollar.  

4. Prevention: It's important to deal with issues it NOW so that they don't become a bigger problem, for you or the people who love you, later.  

5. When to see the doctor: It can be confusing to try to bridge the gap from conventional, mechanistic thinking to true holistic care.  

6. Lifestyle and nutrition: Understanding the importance, but also limitations, of lifestyle and nutritional approaches, and where they fit in the overall puzzle of your healing, are key to long term success.  

7. Self-reliance and freedom: Learning how to use homeopathic remedies safely and effectively at home, and when to consult a practitioner, is key to building health independence.  

Learn to Think Like A Homeopath!

I am going to teach you to

think like a practitioner,

so that you are 100% in charge of your process in the same multi-level way as homeopathy addresses your physical and mental health concerns.


We meet online every month to learn about homeopathic healing and to help each other: every member gets an opportunity in rotation to have a hot seat where they discuss their symptoms with Sarah and the group, to gain perspective and develop strategies for healing, so you can avoid endlessly spinning in pain and confusion. And in between calls, you will have access to a chat forum with a professional homeopath, and your peers in healing.  

What would it be like to feel supported in every phase of your process?  

You receive a monthly recorded presentation, both in video and downloadable print, on a remedy that has both acute and chronic applications, and a deep analysis of how it fits in the larger theme of healing yourself and the world. Because homeopathy heals everything it touches, not just the individual taking the remedy.  

When you can understand the way ubiquitous substances, such as seed oils or fluoride or chlorine, affect people on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual plane, you can understand the way in which disturbing individual and group behaviors represent disease states, and you can learn how to be part of healing those diseases, not just suppressing the symptoms.  

You will gain a deeper, and more hopeful, understanding, not just of yourself, but of the world around you.   Every member receives one FREE hour-long private session with Sarah. Annual members receive this bonus immediately, and every year! This will help you find words and ease for your suffering, and accelerate your healing process.  

Bonus One Free Private Session with Sarah For Joining

In addition, Deep Dive Healing Club members will have first access to discounts on new and existing courses, and any special offers.  

This has been in the works for a long time, but your access to the Founder’s Price is limited, so don’t delay.

I’ve experienced a lot of coaching and been in a lot of masterminds and productivity groups, and I’ve never seen something that is both as deep and as broad, as individual and as global, for only $79/month or $797/year,  

But I’m offering it to you, as an exclusive founding member, for only $49/month or $497/year. If you lock in the annual price, you can schedule your free consult right away. For monthly members, the free consult kicks in after three months.*

"Literally every aspect of my life has improved since working with Sarah"

"I was not prepared, in the best possible way, for how much she would get to what I was experiencing, on a holistic level...

Literally every aspect of my life has improved since working with Sarah"

So if you are tired of the medical merry-go-round, if you want to stop supporting the pharma-medico-industrial complex, if you want an accessible, affordable way to get started really healing yourself at the deepest level, if you want coherence and clarity about what’s going on with your health.

  • * This program does not include prescribing for individual chronic conditions. Ethical and effective homeopathic prescribing for chronic conditions requires a full intake and follow up; this club is designed to move you forward in self-healing, and to be a container for that care should you choose to pursue it.

Yes! Sign Me Up for Deep Dive Healing Club, Founder's Pre-Launch!

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© 2024 Inner Sea Homeopathy

Sarah Thompson is not a medical doctor. Sarah Thompson does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any particular symptom, disease, or condition, and nothing said in consultation should be interpreted as medical advice.